Initiative Group

Initiative Group

Margarita Kozhevnikova, (DPhil, St. Petersburg state university) Coordinator of the project “Human education in the 3rd millennium”. Member of the steering committee of the World Forum.St. Petersburg, Russia

Bob Lingard (University of Queensland, Australia) Chairman of the steering committee of the World Forum. Emeritus Professor at The University of Queensland and Professorial Fellow, Australian Catholic University.  Honorary Life Membership, Australian Association for Research in Education. Brisbane, Australia

Scott Webster  (PhD, Griffith University) Member of the steering committee of the World Forum.  Philosopher of education, author, Independent researcher. Melbourne, Australia.

Nirmala Rao (PhD, Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London) Member of the steering committee of the World Forum.  Vice chancellor Asian University for women in Chittagong, Former  Pro-Director of the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London. Elected  Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences, UK. Chittagong, Bangladesh

Walter Kohan (PhD, Ibero-Americana University, Mexico City) Member of the steering committee of the World Forum. Professor of Philosophy of Education at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Was previously President of the International Council of Philosophical Inquiry with Children (ICPIC) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

John A. Weaver (Ph.D, University of Pittsburgh) Member of the steering committee of the World Forum. Professor at Georgia Southern University’s College of Education, Department of Curriculum, Foundations, and Reading. Statesboro, USA

Poonam Batra (PhD, Jawaharlal Nehru University) Member of the steering committee of the World Forum.  Professor, Department of Education, University of Delhi Delhi, India

Dr. Sharin Shajahan Naomi (PhD, Murdoch University) Asian roundtable coordinator.  Assistant Professor, Head of Core Program, Asian University for women. Chittagong, Bangladesh

Rajashree Srinivasan (PhD, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai) Professor, Azim Premji University, Bangalore, India

Meenakshi Gopinath (PhD, University of Delhi) Educationist, political scientist, former principal of Lady Shri Ram College, University of Delhi. The founder and director of the Women in Security Conflict Management and Peace (WISCOMP). The 4th highest civilian award Padma Shri - for contributions to Indian educational sector (2007), Qimpro Platinum Standard Award for excellence in education (2007); Celebrating Womanhood South Asian Region Recognition for social harmony (2008); Rajiv Gandhi Award for Excellence in Education. Delhi,  India.

Pradeep Nair (PhD, University of Lucknow) Professor and Dean of School of Journalism, Mass Communication  and New Media,   Central University of Himachal Pradesh, India.  Member,  Editorial Board Pedagogy in Health,   Society for Public Health Education  (SOPHE). Dharamsala,  India. 

Meenakshi Thapan (PhD, University of Delhi) Professor of Sociology and Director, Delhi School of Economics, and Co-ordinator of the  D.S. Kothari Centre for Science, Ethics and Education, University of Delhi; Trustee of the Krishnamurti Foundation (India). Delhi, India

Navneet Sharma (PhD, University of Delhi) Assistant Professor, Department of Teachers Education, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, India.  Dharamsala,  India.

Timo Airaksinen  (PhD, Turku University) Emeritus Professor (Ethics and Social Philosophy), University of Helsinki, Finland.   Life  member of Clare Hall, Cambridge, and Vice-President of the Philosophical Society of Finland. Life Honorary Member of the Learned Society of Praxiology. Helsinki, Finland

Renato Huarte-Cuéllar (PhD, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) Professor of Philosophy of Education at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. President of the Latin American Society of Philosophy of Education. Member of Advisory Board of the International Network of Philosophers of Education. Mexico City, Mexico

Christoph Wulf (PhD, the Philipp University of Marburg)   Professor of Anthropology and  philosophy of education at the Freie Universität Berlin. The founder of the Peace Education Commission of the International Peace Research Association and the commissions Education Research with the Third World and Pedagogical Anthropology (German Society of Educational Research). The founder and vice-chairman of the Society for Historical anthropology. Vice President of the German UNESCO Commission. Berlin, Germany

Johan Öhman (PhD,  Uppsala University) Professor of Education at Örebro University’s School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.   One  of the founders of the research group SMED (Studies of Meaning-making in Educational Discourses) and the research school GRESD (Graduate School for Education and Sustainable Development),   head of the research school UVD (Educational Sciences with Emphasis on Didactics) Örebro, Sweden 

Heta Aleksandra Gylling (PhD, Helsinki) has been a full professor and a docent of ethics and philosophy at the University of Helsinki and a docent at the University of Lapland (Rovaniemi). Helsinki, Finland

David Lewin (DPhil, University of Kent) Lecturer in Education Studies, School of Education, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

Krassimir Stojanov, (PhD, University of Hannover)  Professor and Chair of Philosophy of Education and Educational Theory at the  Catholic University Eichstaett-Ingolstadt. Eichstatt, Germany.

Sebastian Guenther (PhD, Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg), Professor and Chair of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University of Goettingen; a specialist in Islamic education and ethics. Former President of the European Association of Arabic and Islamic studies (UEAI). Founding member of the Goettingen Research Center “Education and Religion”. Goettingen, Germany.

Andrei Makarov - (PhD, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia)   Professor of Philosophy,  Volgograd State University. Chairman of the Volgograd Branch of the Russian Society of Intellectual History, Organizer of the "Intellectual Wednesdays" Society.    Coordinator of the Russian-French educational program "Practical Philosophy: Socratic Dialogue" Volgograd, Russia

Josef  Šmajs, (PhD, Masaryk university) Professor of philosophy atMasarykova Univerzita,  Brno, Czeck Republic. 

Zdenko Kodelja, (PhD, Ljubljana university)  Senior researcher and Head of the Centre for Philosophy of Education at the Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana. Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Vasiliki Karavakou (PhD, University of London) Associate Professor, University of Macedonia, Department of educational & social policy. Thessaloniki, Greece.

Emiliano Grimaldi (PhD, University Federico II Naples), Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences, University Federico II Naples. Naples, Italy.

Giovanni Pampanini,  Studio Interdisciplinare Scienze Sociali e Umane; the founder of the Mediterranean Society of Comparative Education; the pioneer president of the Indian Ocean Comparative Education Society (IOCES), World Council of Comparative Education Societies Vice President (2005-2007), Asolapo/Unesco Prize for educational merits, 2014-2015.  Catania, Italy.

Valentine Banfegha Ngalim (Ph.D.)The chair of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy,  Higher Teacher Training College, Bambili, University of Bamenda; the Chair of Educational Foundations in the Faculty of Education,   University of Bamenda. the founder of a research group Philosophy of Education Society of Cameroon. Bamenda, Cameroon. 

Michael Heyns  (PhD, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Professor of philosophy, Director of the School of Philosophy. Head of the Institute for Foundational studies.  NWU Potchefstroom Campus. Johannesburg Area, South Africa.

Randall Curren (PhD, University of Pittsburgh), Professor of Philosophy; Chair of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Rochester. Rochester,  USA 

Peter Nelsen (PhD, University of New Hampshire ) Associate Professor of Philosophy of Education at Appalachian State University,  Department of Leadership and Educational Studies.  Boone, North Carolina, USA  

Eduardo M. Duarte  (PhD, New School for Social Research, New York), Professor of Philosophy at School of Education, Hofstra University. New York, USA  

Ahmad Hewad Rahyab, Chairman of Afghanistan Youth Government, Youth Expert at Administrative Office of the Afghanistan President, Senior researcher of youth fields and Executive director of New Thinking Youth Civil Organization,  “World Youth Best Leader” award 2017 (New Delhi, India).Kabul, Afghanistan

Mika Okabe (PhD, Osaka University), Associate Professor of Human Sciences at Osaka University’s Graduate School of Human Sciences.  Osaka, Japan.
Central University
of Himachal Pradesh,
Dharamsala, India
NEFI – Núcleo de Estudios de Filosofias e Infâncias,
la Universidad Estatal de Río de Janeiro
Center for Studies of Philosophy of Infancy
Rio de Janeiro State University
Ассоциация Образование человека
Education of man
St. Petersburg, Russia
Uttar Pradesh, India
Leiston, Suffolk, United Kingdom