Round Table Conference (2019)

Round Table Conference 2019


In July 2019 the first event of the project, two-day initial Round Table Conference "Human Education in the 3-rd Millenium" (Dharamsala, India), was held. It brought together leading scholars from 10 countries as keynote speakers and the Dalai Lama as an honorary keynote speaker.


POLICY. Educational reforms: what modern educational policy really means? What educational policy should contain in order to provide what people and their societies need.

DEMOCRACY. Why is public participation in matters of education important? And how can it be ensured? Mission of education for democracy. 

BEING HUMAN. Is there a need to remember or to discover human nature as the basis of human education?

PEDAGOGY. What might a human-centered education look like?



You may read Abstracts of the Key-Speakers of the Conference here:

Bob Lingard — University of Queensland, Australia

Ronald Barnett — University of London, UK

Howard Gardner — Harvard University, USA

Timo Airaksinen — University of Helsinki, Finland

Meenakshi Gopinath — New Delhi, India

Darcia Narvaez — University of Notre Dame, USA

Alexander Asmolov — Moscow State University, Russia

Randall Curren — University of Rochester, USA

Christoph Wulf — Free University of Berlin, Germany

Nirmala Rao — Asian University for women, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Renato Huarte Cuéllar — Universidad Nacional Autуnoma de Mexico, Mexico

Andrew Wilkins — University of East London, UK

Walter Omar Kohan — State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Krassimir Stojanov — University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, Eichstaett, Germany

John A. Weaver — Georgia Southern University, USA

Poonam Batra — University of Delhi, India

Margarita Kozhevnikova — Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. St. Petersburg, Russia

Meenakshi Thapan — Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, India



Day 1 Videos





Day 2 Videos 







Members of the Steering Committee:

The Initiative group of the international project “Human Education in the 3-rd Millennium”

Central University of Himachal Pradesh (Dharamsala, India)

The Center for the Study of Philosophy and Childhood, Rio de Janeiro State University (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

School of Education, Deakin University (Melbourne, Australia)

Institute of Pedagogy, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia